Best Diablo 4 Classes For Beginners, Solo Play, Leveling, DPSing, and More!

Best Diablo 4 Classes For Beginners, Solo Play, Leveling, DPSing, and More!

Are you sure that you’re playing the right class in Diablo 4? Each of the 5 presented classes offers a different playstyle and is capable of handling different tasks. This page will explain it.

Below, we’ll present you with the best Diablo 4 classes for beginners, solo play, leveling, melee/ranged playstyles, etc. But before we begin, let’s clarify how we’ve rated classes into these categories.

Our Methodology

Based on our research, it’s essential to assess each class based on these criteria to determine which playstyle it suits:

  • Damage output – how much damage a class can dish out in a certain period;
  • Versatility – how well a class completes different tasks (does it have suitable abilities and stats for that);
  • Ease of use – how many things you must control during a battle (your rotation, enemy’s attacks, teammate moves, etc.);
  • Effectiveness in different game modes – how well do class abilities fit into current PvP or PvE activities.

How did we collect this information? It took multiple sources, starting with player feedback. We read multiple Diablo 4 class forums, taking an inside look into the class’s capabilities. To reinforce this information, we dove into in-game metrics. They presented us with bare numbers (damage, survivability, support, etc.), which are the most precise effectiveness indicators.

In the end, we used build guides from game experts. We watched YouTube videos and communicated with boosting sites staff to discover the hidden class capabilities. Something that we discovered is obvious. However, lots of information presented below might surprise even experienced D4 players.

Best Classes for Beginners

Are you a Diablo 4 beginner? Then, the following D4 class tier list will help you pick a proper class to start your journey in the World of Sanctuary.


SBarbarian – straightforward melee class with good tanking capabilities. He forgives many beginners’ mistakes, allowing them to learn the main boss encounters without dying a thousand timesRogue – a versatile class that can perform melee and ranged playstyles. Thus, beginners can explore both. However, be ready that rogue is quite squishy and requires good positioning and potion management
ASorcerer – a ranged caster class that is squishiest in the game. More so, the sorcerer has many skill shots you must land properly to impact your foes
BDruid – a melee/ranged class who can be a caster or a fighter. The issue with a Druid is that he starts very weak, which might make progressing through acts tough for beginnersNecromancer – a ranged class that uses dark magic and summons armies of battle companions. This description might seem fun, but to make Necro’s toolkit effective, you need to make a complex and well-thought build, which is difficult for inexperienced players

Best Classes for Leveling

If the class suits beginners, it doesn’t mean that it’s best for quick leveling. Often, the situation is the opposite. Here are the best 1 – 50/50 – 100 leveling classes and why they are like that:

SRogue – an amazing leveling unit due to its high mobility. You can literally dash through areas while killing everything if you’re built rightSorcerer – due to its huge load of AoE damage, the sorcerer can easily delete the entire screen of monsters and move through levels and maps quickly
ANecromancer – thanks to the Blood Surge buffs, Necro is one of the best leveling classes. It simply runs through content with complete invincibility while killing everything
BBarbarian – due to its lack of mobility and AoE, Barb is an obvious leveling outsiderDruid – its weak early game and aspect drop dependency have determined Druid’s last position in leveling speed charts

Do you want to level an A/B-tier class and avoid slow progress? You can do it! Simply purchase Diablo 4 boosting, and game pros will get your character to any level you want in the quickest time.

Best Classes for Solo Play

Even though most Diablo 4 players play the game solo, some encounters require you to group up. What if you don’t want it? The following tier list explains to you how sell-sufficient D4 classes are:

SNecromancer – when built properly, this class surrounds itself with tens of summons, shaking off a need to be in a team
ASorcerer – if you can utilize Sorc’s crowd-control and defense abilities properly, you will obliterate group-oriented content solo without taking any damageBarbarian – due to its high tankiness, Barb can complete most of the content by himself. However, it requires solid potion management and, occasionally, careful playing
BDruid – it is one of the best support classes in the game, and most of its skills shine in groups. Still, some Druid builds can perform well soloRogue – many of the Rogue skills provide a group utility, which makes this class heavily reliant on being in a team

Best Classes for Group Play

While some classes excel in solo playing, others unfold their full potential when they’re in a group. Let’s look at Diablo 4 best support classes (group play):

SRogue – this class uses different traps that enhance your teammates and provide a nice crowd-control for the groupDruid – the only class in the game that can create a sole support build, capable of buffing his teammates for move speed, damage, survivability, etc., while dealing some damage himself
ASorcerer – when in a team, Sorc can forget about its squishiness and focus on outputting loads of damage. More so, Sorc’s CC gains more value in the teamBarbarian – being a tank, Barb executes an important role in a team: it doesn’t let others die. it means Barb’s teammates are free to output more damage
BNecromancer – they don’t bring much utility to the team and don’t pair well with any other class. Moreover, Necros summon tens of minions that obscure a battlefield and can even cause lags in your mate’s computers

Best DPS Classes

Do you want to shatter your enemies in the shortest terms? The following classes and highlighted builds are the best at it in the game:

SRogue – thanks to its crit dmg and chance stacking, the rogue has become one of the deadliest D4 classes. Currently, the highest-damage Rogue build that takes advantage of the class crit synergies is Heartseeker-based
ASorcerer – regardless of the Diablo 4 patch, Sorcs always stay at the top of the DPS pedestal. Currently, there are several Sorc build options. The best ones are Firebolt, and Ball Lightning builds, being able to deal AoE and single-target damage
BNecromancer – a class that combines good survivability and decent damage and has 2 viable top-DPS builds. The first is the Golem/Skeleton build. However, if you want to be a Necro with caster minions, stick with the skeleton mage archetype
CBarbarian – by picking this class, you get pretty chunky, sacrificing DMG. However, if you want to output it to the maximum, stick with a Flay build, exploiting a bleed DoTDruid – just like Barbs, Druids contain their strengths not in DPS but in utility and tankiness. Still, you can deal good chunks of damage via Tornado or Wind Shear builds

Best Ranged Classes

Being able to deal damage from afar is beneficial as it doesn’t require you to take melee hits. However, you must be ready to evade projectiles. If you are ready for that kind of gameplay, consider classes from the top of this list:

SSorcerer – their kit consists entirely of ranged skills, which are the deadliest in the game. On top of being able to CC and obliterate large enemy groups, Sorc also has defense abilities to stay safe if mistaken
ARogue – it’s a hybrid class that, in the current meta, shines best with ranged abilities like HeartseekerNecromancer – technically, it’s fair to consider summoner builds ranged. They allow Necros to stay away from the fight (being completely safe from damage) while their minions do the job
BBarbarian – even though it might seem like an axe-wielding Barb can’t battle from afar, he does it quite effectively. The problem is that the choice of builds is too restricted. At the moment, Upheaval is the strongest skill to create a ranged Barb build around
CDruid – it has much more variety in creating a ranged build. However, Druid’s arcs, wind streams, and shuttering grounds aren’t as strong as Barb’s Upheaval, which is why Druid is in the C tier

Best Melee Classes

Are you ready to accept the challenges of playing as a melee class? Then, the following choices are for you:

SBarbarian – his mix of high survivability and solid damage leaves no chance for other classes attending to be the best in the melee categoryDruid – thanks to its ability to shapeshift, Druid can gain lots of melee attack damage and resilience, making him a strong pick for close-quarter combat
ARogue – even though most of the META builds for Rogue exploit its ranged builds, this class can still be useful in melee. Shadow Step and Twisting Blades enable that
BNecromancer – there are not many melee skills available for this class; however, Necro makes good use of what it has: Reap and Grim Reaper skills
CSorcerer – due to the lack of useful melee skills, Sorc is at the bottom of this list. Even though players tried to vitalize the melee Sorc archetype (Arc Lash builds), they achieved little success

Best Classes for Single-Target DPS

D4 PvE encounters are divided into fighting single or multiple targets. We’ll take a look at the classes that prevail in these two encounter types, starting with single-target battles:

SRogue – thanks to the Rogue’s ability to stack crit chance and damage onto a single target, it holds the crown of the best single-target DPS
ADruid – thanks to the Zoo Druid build, this class is easily a leader when it comes to DPSing a single target. Turn into a werewolf form, summon companies and tear uber bosses apartNecromancer – minion builds are capable of destroying every D4 pinnacle boss thanks to the Blighted Aspect, which gives Necro a huge DMG buffSorcerer – with the help of fire spells, Sorc can stack lots of burning damage, which is extremely effective against solo targets
BBarbarian – unfortunately, Barbs are quite slow when it comes to killing big bosses. On the other hand, this class provides you with enough survivability to live through lingering fights

Best Classes for AoE DPS

Want to focus on the Nightmare Dungeons farm instead of the bosses? You need a high AoE damage class. Pick among these:

SSorcerer – if you’ve read the preceding part of this page, this choice should be obvious. Most Sorc spells are AoE-oriented, allowing this class to output loads of damage into large enemy groupsDruid – this class doesn’t have as many AoE spells as Sorc, but the entirety of Druid’s casts is very effective. The talk is mainly about Tornado. With the right build, Druids can clutter the entire battlefield with tornados that quickly kill all the enemies
ABarbarian – even though many of Barb’s abilities have a quite narrow hit frame, iconic cycling is there to compensate for it. It enables your character to spin and deal circular AoE damage, which is decisive in multi-enemy combatDruid – in the current meta, Druid’s Tornado builds excel. They inhabit your entire screen with striking winds, killing everything that trespasses it
BRogue – due to the Rogue’s compact hit frames and debuff reliability (they work on a single target), this class isn’t optimal for AoE farming

Best Classes for Speedfarming

Being efficient in D4 means being able to clear content quickly, which is what the community calls speedfarming. Here are the classes that are good at it:

SRogue – it’s the most mobile class in D4 (the reason why it’s a D4 season 1 best class), allowing it to dash through any game content, reach bosses, and execute them quickly with deadly critsSorcerer – even though Sorc doesn’t have a movement like Rogue does, its advantage is in its AoE. It allows Sorcs to clear mob clusters quickly, making this class good specifically for dungeon speedfarming
ANecromancer – this class deprives you of a need to stop and cast spells. You simply press a Blood Mist and move through content while your minions clear out foes
BBarbarian – their damage and movement have been decreased due to their tankiness. Therefore, Barbs aren’t able to quickly complete maps and bosses, making them weak speedfarmersDruid – their issue is the same as Barb’s. Druids can’t move through areas quickly and kill stuff as fast as other classes

Best Classes for PvE

Now, let’s recap all the knowledge you’ve soaked from several of the previous tables. Let’s see D4 classes that are, in general, best in PvE:

SSorcerer – as you could’ve guessed, this is the best Diablo 4 DPS class. In combination with Sorc’s mobility, AoE/single-target damage, and CC, this easily gets Sorcerers into the best D4 PvE classRogue – damage and elusiveness make this class supreme. These advantages are so strong that even a lack of AoE damage won’t shake Rogue of a PvE class S tier
ANecromancer – its survivability, damage, and clear speed are exactly what PvE encounters demand; Necro is very strong hereBarbarian – even though he lacks damage and moving speed, Barb’s chunkiness, consistent damage, and variability of builds make him a strong PvE pick
BDruid – regardless of its lowest tier list position, it’s more than viable in PvE. Druids bring different builds to the table (elemental and physical) and are the only class in the game with such strong support capabilities

Best Classes for PvP

What about PvP? Many of the advantages that are relevant when fighting computer-driven minions are absolutely useless in battles against actual players. Therefore, the PvP tier list is very different from PvE. Take a look:

SBarbarian – his chunkiness is a key to PvP success. Specific Barb builds allow you to stack a ton of HP while its offensive capabilities (bleed, thorns, AoE expenditure, etc.) provide you with enough pressure to knock the enemies outRogue – they offer multiple options for PvP builds, including one-shotting crit or rapid-fire archetypes. Besides dealing insane damage, Rogues are quite elusive, thanks to their high mobility and a decent dodge chance
ASorcerer – one of the strongest PvP classes due to its firewall build. It allows Sorcs to deal with a crazy DoT after catching an opponent into a CC. Moreover, Sorcs are quite tanky due to their freeze-defense abilities
BNecromancer – this class is very strong in season 4 due to the lack of damage reduction stat on items. It means that there’s no way for Necro’s opponents to mitigate Shadow Wave damage, making it a deadly PvP tool. More so, Necros are tanky, thanks to Blood Mist
CDruid – a very niche class for PvP that is viable only when you use specific builds. For example, there’s a popular barrier-centered build. The issue is that it is easily countered by pets that remove a barrier, making Druids vulnerable


As this guide shows, each Diablo 4 class is good at a specific task. Want the best PvE class? Pick a Sorcerer and obliterate armies of enemies with fire and ice. Planning to conquer a PvP ladder? Your choice should fall on a Rogue or Barbarian, who are both tanky and amazing in terms of damage.

However, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that the highest-rated class is best for you. Each player has their favorites. Therefore, we encourage you to level out and test as many D4 classes as possible to know how it feels to play them.

Don’t have that much time? Boosters may help. Skycoach (is Skycoach legit?), LFCarry (is LFCarry legit?), and KBoosting (is KBoosting legit?) will level any of the D4 classes you want in several hours, allowing you to test a new character’s full potential quickly.

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  • Which class should I pick if I am a Diablo 4 beginner?

    Based on our testing, Barbarian is the best pick for you. The reason for that is Barb’s tankiness. This class can take many hits without sending you to the graveyard, allowing you to learn the game mechanics faster.

  • Can I play as a support in D4?

    Yes, but with specific builds. The most prominent of them is a buff Druid who makes his opponents vulnerable while sharing a bunch of buffs with his teammates.

  • Who is the best PvP class in D4?

    In season 4, it’s Barbarian. This guide can stack tons of HP and has several offensive skills suitable for PvP combats. Arguably, Rend is the strongest of them.


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