World of Warcraft Dragonflight Best Classes – Best WoW Class in 10.2.7

World of Warcraft Dragonflight Best Classes – Best WoW Class in 10.2.7

Dragonflight is the last and ninth WoW expansion. Its pinnacle activities are raids and arenas/RBG, your performance in which is determined by your class and specialization. But how do you pick it right?

To stick with the correct class, you must know which of them are the best in the current expansion. Moreover, you must understand how classes work. It enables you to pick not just a meta-slayer but a character you enjoy.

This page reveals all the essential information about WoW classes. You’ll learn what the available 13 classes and their specializations are, the easiest of those, the classes you should pick for solo playing, and the best DPS, tank, and healer specializations. Let’s start!

WoW Classes and Specializations in a Nutshell

Throughout almost 20 years, WoW has accumulated 13 classes, each having 3+ specializations. Let’s see what these are:

  • Warrior – classic melee class that wears plates and is capable of wielding two-handed and one-handed weapons, including shields. The first warrior’s specialization is fury. It’s a PvE DPS spec that enables you to wield two two-handed weapons at once for crazy damage numbers. The second PvE spec is protection, which is a tank. Lastly, you have an arms warrior (PvP) who wields a single two-handed weapon, deals consistent damage, and possesses several gap closers to deal constant damage;
  • Warlock – dark mage that summons demons and rains hellfire on enemies. All 3 warlock specs are DD. The first one, Affliction, equips you with DoT spells to drain your opponent’s health over time; the second, Demonology, summons hoards of demons and borrows his damage from them; the final, Destruction, deals damage through fire spells, combining DoT and heavy-hitting casts;
  • Shaman – a mail-wearing warrior who uses the powers of nature to eliminate his foes and support his mates. Shaman has 2 DPS specs. Those are an Elemental Shaman who strikes enemies with lightning, fire, earth, and frost bolts/shocks, and the Enhancement Shaman who uses the power of wind to empower his maces and axes. The final shaman spec is Restoration. Besides offering amazing group-healing capabilities, Restoration Shaman has essential utility skills like a Bloodlust;
  • Rogue – squishy trickster who relies on shadows and back strikes to crowd-control and kill his opponents. All 3 Rogue specs are DPS. The first is Subtetely (PvP), who has heavy burst damage and can keep his enemies disabled for nearly 10 seconds. Next, PvE specs are Outlaw and Assassination. The former is best damaging groups of enemies (2- 5), while the last deals the best damage into a solo target by maintaining DoTs;
  • Priest – a holy warrior who channels his faith into spells. Two of the priest’s specs are supportive. The first is Discipline, which is an expert in shielding his teammates. The next spec is Holy, who can dish out huge healing numbers and stays on the field for several seconds after his death (can be a game-changer in raids/mythics). The last priest spec is Shadow. If you adopt it, you worship ancient gods and use their powers to destroy your opponents’ minds;
  • Paladin – another warrior of the faith who, instead of performing from afar, prefers to use steel arsenal to battle. Paladin has a tank, healer, and DPS specs. All three classes provide their groups with irreplaceable utility skills (Lay on Hands, Blessing of Kings, and different buffs) and are diverse in combat. DPS and tank specs can heal and shield themselves, making them strong in solo playing;
  • Monk – warriors from Pandaria who have been subjugated by Mogu centuries ago. They’ve left them with no weapons. Therefore, all monk specs use their limbs to deal damage (Windwalker), tank (Brewmaster), and heal (Mistwalker). Monks can move quickly around the battlefield, allowing them to switch between tasks;
  • Mage – a classic caster who uses 3 types of magic to shatter its foes. The first is frost. It can control hoards of enemies and deal heavy burst damage. Fire mage can do the last, but with even more effectiveness, striking its enemies with huge pyroblasts. The last spec is arcane. It’s best at dealing tunnel damage and implies careful mana control;
  • Hunter – a shooter who uses bows and guns combined with battle pets to deal damage. All hunter specs are DPS. The first one is Beast Mastery, who relies on his pet to deal damage. The second spec, Marksmanship, finds its companion in its weapon. This specialization has to stay steady to deal with precision strikes, which often draw big damage numbers. The last hunter spec is Survival. It combines ranged and melee attacks and uses traps to control and damage his foes;
  • Evoker – a Dragonflight-added class and race who uses magic to damage and heal. 2 of the Evoker specs are DPS. The first is Augmentation, which deals tons of damage through black earth magic and empowers its teammates. The second damage spec is Devastation. It’s capable of putting out lots of AoE damage and controlling its spell cast time (interrupting casts doesn’t cancel them). The final Evoker spec is Preservation. It’s a healer who uses the power of time to support his team;
  • Druid – a fierce warrior who merges with nature by taking the shapes of different animals to perform better in combat. Druid has 4 specs. 2 of them are DPS, capable of dealing melee damage (Feral) and ranged magic damage (Balance). The third specialization is Guardian. It’s a tank that takes a bear shape and focuses on evading enemies’ attacks. The last Druid spec is Restoration. It’s best at healing solo targets and has utility abilities like Battle Ressurect;
  • Demon Hunter – swifty warriors who use glaives and fell magic in battles (just like Illidan!). Demon Hunters have two specs. The first is DPS, who is highly mobile and has a lot of AoE damage in his kit. The second spec, Vengence, is a tank. To execute its role responsibilities, Demon Hunter reduces incoming damage, heals self, and crowd-controls enemies;
  • Death Knight – once an Alliance/Horde warrior, Death Knight is now resurrected by Lich King to wield his new scourge abilities. DK has 3 specs. The first two are DPS, who use the power of frost or plague to obliterate their enemies. The last spec is a tank (Blood). He uses several self-healing abilities (Death Strike, Vampiric Blood, etc.) to keep himself alive.

As you could’ve noticed from class descriptions, the game features multiple specs. The most popular one is DPS. It can be ranged or melee, and its main task is to deal damage to opponents. The next role is tank. It can be solely in a melee form, and its task is to maintain an agro and survive enemies’ blows. Finally, we have healers. They are available only in ranged variations, and their task is to provide utility for their team and keep it at full health.

Correlation Between Meta and WoW Classes

Meta determines strong and weak classes at a certain period. How exactly? A primary factor is patch notes, which strengthen or weaken certain abilities, moving classes up and down in meta-tier lists.

Current encounters are also meta-defining. For example, if the recently released raid features lots of bosses with trash, classes that can deal AoE damage are in favor.

Down the text, we’ll provide you with our meta report on the strongest current classes. You might like some of them. If you want to get these classes leveled on your account, use WoW power leveling or other boosting site services for the quickest progress.

The Easiest WoW Classes: Top Picks for Beginners

You’ve just learned what’s special about each WoW class. Now, it’s time for you to determine what class to play in Dragonflight. Looking for something simple? Based on our testing, the best candidates for that role are Hunter, Demon Hunter, Evoker, Warrior, and Paladin.

They have plain rotations. Therefore, your DPS, tanking, or healing effectiveness won’t drop if you confuse an ability in your sequence. The mentioned classes also don’t rely on cooldowns. They allow you to show maximum efficiency without being dependent on your burst or save skills.

Best Classes for Playing Solo

Are you planning to play WoW without a team? Then, you should pick a solo class. We can divide them into ranged and melee types, starting with the former.

As ranged classes aren’t sturdy enough, it’s important to be able to zone your enemies off if you’re playing solo. Warlock (Voidwalker) and Hunter (any pet with a taunt) achieve this via their companions. However, if you don’t prefer using companions in battle, stick with Balance Druid, any Mage spec, or Elemental Shaman, who have many crown-control abilities to keep their foes away.

What’s for melee classes? As they will inevitably take damage, they need to feature damage-reduction or self-heal mechanics. You can find these in Rogue, Warrior, and Death Knight kits. To get even better solo sustain, it would be a great idea to pick a corresponding race like Undead, who can eat enemies’ corpses for HP.

WoW Dragonflight Tier List

As explained earlier, meta is defined by recent class buffs and nerfs and PvP/PvE activities. These factors also influence tier lists. Here’s a ranking of the best classes Dragonflight based on their DPS, tanking, and healing potential:

SDemonology Warlock, Subtlety Rogue, Arcane Mage, Outlaw Rogue, Havoc Demon Hunter, Beast Mastery Hunter, Frost MageVengence Demon HunterRestoration Druid
AAssassination Rogue, Fury Warrior, Windwalker Monk, Fire Mage, Devastation Evoker, Destruction WarlockProtection Paladin, Guardian DruidHoly Priest, Mistwalker Monk
BEnhancement Shaman, Affliction Warlock, Balance Druid, Marksmanship Hunter, Elemental Shaman, Survival HunterProtection WarriorDiscipline Priest, Preservation Evoker
CFrost Death Knight, Shadow Priest, Retribution Paladin, Arms Warrior, Feral Druid, Unholy Death KnightBlood Death Knight, Brewmaster MonkHoly Paladin
DAugmentation EvokerRestoration Shaman

Still don’t have classes from the S-tier? Hire World of Warcraft boost to fix it quickly! It will employ professional WoW players from whom you can buy Warcraft gold, WoW service for raids, or character leveling to prepare your new class for playing in the shortest terms.

The Secret Tool to Become a WoW God: Parsing

You won’t be a star of your WoW raid just by playing an S-tier specialization. You must also be good at a game. Even though such a skill comes with hours of practice, there’s a way to speed the process up – parsing.

In a nutshell, parsing is learning your WoW logs. They present you with your DPS and all that has influenced it. Thus, you may discover what ability you pressed at a certain period of a fight and its impact. How exactly can it be useful?

For example, if you’re playing as a DPS, you can research logs to find an encounter where you’ve been outputting the biggest damage. Explore the logs to see what has caused it. It might be a different burst timing, synergy with your teammate, or a change in rotation. Once the cause of the improvement is identified, implement it in your other fights, and your efficiency will grow.

Before you can peek into your logs, you must upload them. First, enable that in WoW. You can do it through Options > Network and check the box marked Advanced Combat Logging.

Next, you need a log client. There are multiple of them online, while WarcraftLogs is the most popular one. Download it or its alternatives. Now, launch the log client, select your expansion, and upload a log (WoWCombatLog.txt file from your WoW folder) into the application.

From this point, the client log will save your battle logs. You can analyze them, compare them to other players’ logs, and replay your logs to see how the encounter was going. These are all the mistake-analysis tools you need to progress as a player.

Best DPS Classes for Primary PvE Encounters

Currently, WoW Dragonflight offers 3 high-end PvE encounters: Heroic Awakened Valut of Incarnates, Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible, and Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raids. Let’s look at the DPS rankings for these instances.

Valut of IncarnatesAberrus, the Shadowed CrucibleAmirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope
Unholy Death KnightDevastation EvokerUnholy Death Knight
Devastation EvokerFrost MageArms Warrior
Marksmanship HunterUnholy Death KnightArcane Mage
Arms WarriorShadow PriestRetribution Paladin
Frost Death KnightArms WarriorAssassination Rogue
Assassination RogueRetribution PaladinFrost Death Knight
Shadow PriestMarksmanship HunterShadow Priest
Windwalker MonkBeast Mastery HunterWindwalker Monk
Retribution PaladinArcane MageDevastation Evoker
Havoc Demon HunterSubtlety RogueMarksmanship Hunter

What about mythic+ dungeons? They have their own DPS class tier list, which puts Fire Mage, Augmentation Evoker, Outlaw Rogue, Arcane Mage, Demonology Warlock, and Retribution Paladin on top. These are all diverse specializations. They excel in both AoE and single-target encounters, which allows them to cope with any mythic+ fight.

Don’t have one of the mentioned classes but want to complete a high-end mythic+? It will be difficult for you to get into a group. Therefore, you can just buy Mythic 20 and get all its loot without putting any effort in.

Best Healers in the Current Meta

What’s with healers? They have quite a stable meta, entitling shield and utility classes as the best. This healer tier list applies to all Dragonflight raids and mythics:

  • Discipline Priest;
  • Holy Paladin;
  • Restoration Shaman;
  • Mistwalker Monk;
  • Holy Priest;
  • Preservation Evoker;
  • Restoration Druid.

The interesting thing is that Disc Priest stays so high due to its damage. This spec can dish out solid numbers via Penance and Smite. The second-best spec, Holy Paladin, is strong due to its auras and a devotion buff, which are always welcomed in raid groups.

Best Tanks for Current PvE Encounters

Finally, to tanks. In general, their performance doesn’t differ much from raid to raid, and, therefore, tanks stay closely on the list. Take a look:

Valut of IncarnatesAberrus, the Shadowed CrucibleAmirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope
Blood Death KnightBrewmaster MonkProtection Paladin
Protection PaladinProtection PaladinBlood Death Knight
Vengence Demon HunterBlood Death KnightBrewmaster Monk
Brewmaster MonkProtection WarriorProtection Warrior
Protection WarriorVengence Demon HunterVengence Demon Hunter
Guardian DruidGuardian DruidGuardian Druid

As you can see, Guardian Druid spec is quite weak in Dragonflight. It’s due to its lack of magic protection. Any raid spells, especially Blast of Light (Hyrjas), shred bear druids, which doesn’t happen to other tanks.

That’s also a reason why Guardian Druid stays at the bottom of the Mythic+ tier list, which looks like this:

  • Vengeance Demon Hunter;
  • Protection Paladin;
  • Protection Warrior;
  • Brewmaster Monk, Blood Death Knight;
  • Guardian Druid.

Being a strong mythic+ tank is all about utility. Specializations that can do many things at once, like Vengence Demon Hunter (tanking, crowd-controlling, amplifying magic damage, etc.), are the kings.

WoW PvP Tier Lists

The rating of the best WoW classes and specs is completely different in PvP. Why? While in PvE, the only requirement from a DPS is to deal damage, in PvP, it has to synergize with its mates and have crowd-control abilities. Here’s what specs prevail in different PvP modes:

Arena 2v2Arena 3v3Rated Battlegrounds
Subtlety RogueDestruction WarlockDestruction Warlock
Widnwalker MonkShadow PriestBalance Druid
Survival HunterArms WarriorSubtlety Rogue
Balance DruidRetribution PaladinHavoc Demon Hunter
Fury WarriorSubtlety RogueUnholy Death Knight
Destruction WarlockEnhancement ShamanElemental Shaman
Assassination RogueElemental ShamanMarksmanship Hunter
Beast Mastery HunterBalance DruidFury Warrior
Outlaw RogueFire MageShadow Priest
Arms WarriorFury WarriorDevastation Evoker

These lists are determined by the shift of duties from 2v2 to 10v10 (RBG) encounters. The fewer players are in battle, the more valuable crowd control is, which is why Sub Rogue excels in 2v2 arenas.

With the number of enemies increasing, the ability to deal damage to multiple targets grows in demand. Such specs as Shadow Priest (multi-DoTting), Destruction Warlock (casting spells upon multiple enemies at once), Balance Druid (multi-DoTting and AoE), etc., are best at it, placing them in Arena 3v3 and RBG heights.


Blizzard Entertainment has built one of the best MMORPGs, which is, in major part, a merit of the game’s classes. Each of them is different. Due to how they perform in various PvP and PvE encounters, classes and their specializations take different places in tier lists. You saw them above.

If you thought that you’d receive the best playing experience by simply picking the highest-standing class, you’re wrong. You must experiment. Only once you’ve tried multiple classes and grasped them at an end-game, you understand your likings.

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  • Which WoW class is best for beginners?

    As practice proves, it’s best for beginners to pick multi-role classes to explore the different playstyles. Such classes are Druid, Paladin and Monk.

  • What class should I take for the highest PvP damage?

    It depends on the encounters you plan to play. For 2v2 arenas, Arms Warrior is a way to go due to its consistent tunnel damage, bursty capabilities, and ability to deal damage to 2 targets. Against 3+ enemies, pick Shadow Priest, Balance Druid, and Destruction Warlock due to their capabilities to deal damage to multiple targets.

  • Which tank should I play in WoW Dragonflight?

    Your choice should fall onto the Vengence Demon Hunter. Even though this specialization has got multiple nerfs, it’s still top due to its survivability. DH also amplifies casters (+5% spell damage), which is huge in the current meta.


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